Zendure SolarFlow Preis: Dieses Bild kann man so interpretieren, dass der Preis für den Zendure SolarFlow Balkonspeicher, also den Einstieg, bei unter 2000 Euro liegen wird. Denn dieses Bild sagt ja im Prinzip, dass die "1 gesetzt ist" und die restlichen drei Ziffern des Betrages noch offen sind. (Screenshot Zendure.de)

Zendure SolarFlow price in Europe

What is the Zendure SolarFlow price? Zendure is ramping up its marketing efforts for its SolarFlow balcony power plant storage solution. It has started a Facebook group and is heavily advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. Today, the company has provided the first semi-specific indication of the SolarFlow starting price on its website, alongside a voucher promotion „50 for 200“.

Zendure SolarFlow Preis: Dieses Bild kann man so interpretieren, dass der Preis für den Zendure SolarFlow Balkonspeicher, also den Einstieg, bei unter 2000 Euro liegen wird. Denn dieses Bild sagt ja im Prinzip, dass die "1 gesetzt ist" und die restlichen drei Ziffern des Betrages noch offen sind. (Screenshot Zendure.de)
Zendure SolarFlow Preis: Dieses Bild kann man so interpretieren, dass der Preis für den Zendure SolarFlow Balkonspeicher, also den Einstieg, bei unter 2000 Euro liegen wird. Denn dieses Bild sagt ja im Prinzip, dass die „1 gesetzt ist“ und die restlichen drei Ziffern des Betrages noch offen sind. (Screenshot Zendure.de)

The image on the website can be interpreted to suggest that the entry-level Zendure SolarFlow balcony storage price will be less than €2,000, with the first digit being set as „1“ and the other three digits yet to be determined.

Zendure SolarFlow starter kit

According to the Zendure Facebook group, the starter kit includes the „Smarthub PV 1200“ battery manager and an „AB1000“ battery block. It also comes with a connection set of solar cables to link photovoltaic modules and the Smarthub PV 1200, a connection cable to the separate microinverter (not included), and standard MC4 connection plug pairs.

Other technical and equipment details of the SolarFlow are now also available, such as an 800-watt input/output power on the module side and a variable output power to the separate inverter, which can be adjusted from 100 to 1200 watts, enabling it to comply with the existing 600-watt limit for balcony power plants.

Zendure SolarFlow Preis: Der Batteriecontroller/Laderegler. (Foto: Zendure)
Der Batteriecontroller/Laderegler. (Foto: Zendure)

Capacity of the Zendure SolarFlow Battery

The battery block has a storage capacity of 960 watt-hours, and up to four blocks can be „stacked“ for a total capacity of 3.84 kWh. All components, including the external battery controller and the battery box, are housed in metal enclosures with IP65 waterproof protection. The system comes with a 10-year battery warranty.

Zendure also provides a smartphone app for monitoring and managing the SolarFlow system’s performance and status. Installation is designed to be tool-free and user-friendly.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Juli 24, 2023 um 5:52 pm . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

The „power flow“ is supposed to be regulated by the battery manager Smarthub PV 1200. That happens in such a way that the power is first passed through the inverter and consumed in the house. If the inverter does not draw the full power or more power comes from the roof, i.e. the 600 watts that the inverter is allowed to feed in, the excess is stored in the battery. So let’s assume that we regulate the output of the Smarthub PV 1200 to the (in Germany) permissible 600 watts, but the full 800 watts come from the modules that the input side of the battery manager can handle, then 200 watts flow into the AB1000 battery. In the evening, the power then flows from the battery storage to the inverter.

Zendure SolarFlow Preis: Batterie mit Steckverbindern. (Foto: Zendure)
Batterie mit Steckverbindern. (Foto: Zendure)

Conditions for the Zendure 50 for 200 voucher:

  1. Each coupon can only be used for a single purchase.
  2. We will simply send you the voucher by email.
  3. The voucher is only valid for a limited time: one month after the start of sales of SolarFlow.
  4. The voucher is only valid for SolarFlow: PV-Hub + battery (the number of batteries is optional).
  5. The voucher is non-refundable, non-transferable, and not redeemable for cash.

Conclusion We can assume that the starter package of the Zendure SolarFlow costs less than 2000 euros. Even if the price ultimately ends up at 1999 euros, the system with almost 1 kWh of storage capacity is always cheaper than the two equivalent competitors Minitower1 (2678.34 euros) and Solmate (2199 euros). And if you buy the 200 euro voucher for 50 euros, you can get the starter kit for 150 euros less.

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Zuletzt aktualisiert am Juli 25, 2023 um 9:28 am . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.
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